What Does Uncle Sam Know About Healthcare? Not much…
“The 10 scariest words in the American vocabulary are, ‘Hi, I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”
Ronald Reagan
ealthcare is such a personal thing. Not only what one endures and the privacy of an illness, but also ensuring the proper doctor is providing service. When one is sick, the last thing he or she wants to hear is bureaucratic speak and that it will take some time to approve a needed procedure.
With all the government has to do, are they really the best organization to administer your health insurance needs?
When you reach the age of 65, you must enroll in Medicare. However, did you know you have options for better care at no cost to you? Sure, you could stay with the government plan. OR, you could choose an organization whose sole purpose is to provide and administer insurance. This is known as Medicare Advantage.
Medicare Advantage
As mentioned before, the government has better things to do than to be involved in HIPPA compliance. While they still manage healthcare insurance needs for many Americans, did you know it costs you absolutely nothing to change to a company like Cigna, Humana or some other insurance carrier with a larger selection of doctors in your area?
With all the changes in the healthcare law, many doctors are opting out of accepting original Medicare, because it’s too cumbersome. This has caused a shortage of quality medical professionals for Medicare recipients. However, since many are familiar and already accept standard insurance from major carriers, they accept the Medicare Advantage insurance provided by those same carriers. This allows you a better selection, more options and less hassle.
How Do I Know Which is My Best Option?
Choosing wisely is important for your quality and quantity of life, and it can be confusing. If you’re not sure which is best for you, you are in very good company. So speak with a professional, certified and licensed agent who can explain all of your options and additional programs and coverage you may not have been aware were available to you.
Get your questions answered, have peace of mind and choose the option which will provide the best coverage at the least cost. After all, you want to be able to enjoy your retirement!